Geri Dön

Butterfly's Commands

The discord bot that provides moderation, entertainment and many systems for your server. Butterfly is perfect for your server!

Please Select a Category.

Example Usage:

Example Usage:

Example Usage:
/user-info [User]

Example Usage:

Example Usage:

Example Usage:
/suggestion [Suggestion]

Example Usage:
/bug-report [Bug]

Example Usage:
/ban [User] (Reason)

Example Usage:
/unban [User-ID]

Example Usage:
/kick [User] (Reason)

Example Usage:
/purge [Amount]

Example Usage:
/purge-user [User] [Amount]

Example Usage:
/warn [User] [Reason]

Example Usage:
/warn-remove [ID]

Example Usage:
/warns [Kullanıcı]

Example Usage:
/announce [Title] [Message]

Example Usage:
/slowmode [Time]

Example Usage:
/poll [Question] [Channel]

Example Usage:
/mod-log [Option] (Channel)

Example Usage:
/bot-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/blasphemy-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/role-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/channel-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/emoji-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/advertising-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:
/ping-protection [On/Off]

Example Usage:

Example Usage:
/love-meter [User] (User2)

Example Usage:
/prison (User)

Example Usage:
/wasted (User)

Example Usage:
/mc-achievement [Title] [Line1] [Line2]

Example Usage:
/mc-skin [User]

Example Usage:
/kiss [User]

Example Usage:
/weather [Region]

Example Usage:
/duel [User]

Example Usage:

Example Usage:

Örnek Kullanım:
/boom [Option] (Channel)

Örnek Kullanım:
/word-chain [Option] (Channel) (Language)

Example Usage:
/auto-role [Option] (Channel) (Role)

Example Usage:
/counter [Option] (Channel) (Target)

Example Usage:
/picture-entry [Option] (Channel)

Example Usage:
/picture-out [Option] (Channel)

Example Usage:
/auto-reply [Command] [Reply]

Example Usage:
/auto-reply-remove [Command]

Example Usage:

Example Usage:
/giveaway-create [Channel] [Time] [Winnercount] [Prize]

Example Usage:
/giveaway-reroll [ID]

Example Usage:
/giveaway-end [ID]

Example Usage:

(Butterfly's commands change automatically according to the user's language. Each user has their own commands.)

(Auto-Role, Picture-Entry, etc. you should use this part to change the language of the systems. Remember, you need to Activate the Community.)